Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Electric Blanket

People your manager should know or work on contacting are as follows: photographer, stylist, club manager, videographer, producer, graphic designer, web designer, models, actors, dis, journalists, bloggers, independent distributors, bloggers, dancers, caterer, tour manager, vendors, entertainment lawyers, financial advisors,tax preparation agent, insurance agent, and media specialists. This is a sample of the contacts you need as your career progresses. If you are managing yourself work on this list. You won't know everyone so try to get referrals before you need them. Hugs and booty rubs, SJ

Manager's Contacts

People your manager should know or work on contacting are as follows: photographer, stylist, club manager, videographer, producer, graphic designer, web designer, models, actors, dis, journalists, bloggers, independent distributors, bloggers, dancers, caterer, tour manager, vendors, entertainment lawyers, financial advisors,tax preparation agent, insurance agent, and media specialists. This is a sample of the contacts you need as your career progresses. If you are managing yourself work on this list. You won't know everyone so try to get referrals before you need them. Hugs and booty rubs, SJ